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Friday, September 16, 2011

Downtown Anchorage!!

Saturday Market and the Hilton
 Downtown Anchorage is a hopping place in the summer. CSAPers will have Saturday lunch on their own. The Hilton is the perfect place to be as Saturday Market is right across the street. Every Saturday and Sunday from May to September, Alaskans come from all over the state to sell their wares. You can find anything from native art to fresh veggies from the valley.  

I went downtown recently in late August with my visitors. Downtown Anchorage has something happening every weekend just a few few blocks from the Hilton at 4th and E street at Peratrovich Park. On this day,  it was Hawaii Day, a celebration of our 50th state. The weather was not Hawaiian but the music was great and it was free. 

We strolled down 4th street and window-shopped. We passed on the fur bikinis but it was a close thing. I think those bikinis have been in the window since I moved herein 1989. They just won't sell. And look out for moose! You never know when they might wander into town. Perhaps they also like visiting the vegetable stands at Saturday Market.