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Saturday, January 7, 2012

4 months to go!

While the CSAP team works on finalizing the agenda for the May meeting, YOU are free to make plans for the fun things you are going to do while in Alaska. Let's take a look at your checklist:
You can travel the Solar System from downtown Anchorage!
  • flight booked (don't wait any longer than March folks!!- mid May is the beginning of tourist season and they (almost) all go through Anchorage).  Airlines: American, Delta, United, Continental, Alaska Airlines, US Airways, Condor (May-Sep. over the pole from Frankfurt); Sun Country (from MSP) summer only. Jet Blue (from Long beach) in summer. Try; , and for discounted rates. 
  • book the Hilton hotel with CSAP rate. You have extended discounted rates 3 days before and after the meeting. 907.272.7411. or 800 HILTON. You have to call. There is no on-line code.
  • Plans for Anchorage: get the online guide to Anchorage
  • Plans for outside Anchorage: Alaska trips Consider buying a Milepost for Alaska if you are traveling the roads while here. Every. Single. Thing. perMile. -of the roads we have, anyway:)
  • Apps for the trip: TheAlaskaApp; Daylight; Elevation; AllTrails
Questions? Molly Thompson