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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Planning early for Anchorage

We in Alaska are looking forward to showing off our beautiful state to fellow CSAPers in May 2012. I thought in this first blog to dispel some myths about traveling so far north.
First: cost. Hotel: The Hilton is a sweet deal at $150+ for single/double. Three days before AND after our meeting.
Airfare: If you live near a hub, it's possible to get a ticket +taxes for 450.00. You have to be a savvy shopper. I have airfare/airline  tips  on google docs. Just click the link. The average is usually 600-650. Some savvy shoppers are finding better deals. If you don't live near a major hub, you are used to paying that bit extra so don't blame it on Alaska!
Second: time off from work. Seriously?! You aren't going to call in sick? If you can only stay  for the meeting, it IS do-able. It takes 12 hours to fly from the east coast to Anchorage. One can leave Thursday at 6 am EST and arrive in Anchorage at 2 pm. We are 4 hours earlier than out east. Plan on leaving home early and getting home late. Anchorage is a busy airport at 3 a.m. You can get a flight out after 9 pm easily. We hope you stay longer!

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