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Friday, March 2, 2012

Denali National Park- our meeting is thrilling but not this wet
The brochure for the May meeting will soon be in your mail box. You can look forward to some fabulous presentations. We have Kim Stamatin from Marriott International and Ellen Shortill, from ASHA sharing insider tips to make your convention a success. This is in-depth information: from figuring out your room blocks, to creating a realistic budget. There will leadership, ethics, information on support personnel and governance. And round tables!! We must have our collaboration time!
Don't forget that the hotel rates at the Hilton are good 3 days before and after May 16-19.
The Aleut House Diorama at the Anchorage museum

Our social will be at the Anchorage Museum . We have the 2nd floor all to ourselves during our social and live auction. Lunch will be on your own both days so you can explore downtown Anchorage or shop the Saturday market right across from the Hilton.
Saturday Market from the Hilton

Hiking near Anchorage
Cessna view near Anchorage
You will have Saturday evening all to yourselves. Perhaps you'll go for  a hike. Also, there are plenty of flight seeing tours available at Merrill Field just a short drive from the Hilton. No matter what you decide to do, we want you to enjoy your time in our beautiful state!


  1. Hi Molly, can you give me an idea of weather conditions? Do I need to ship my winter coat?

  2. Hi Janice,
    Weather is in the mid fifties during the day , upper 30's low 40's at night. You won't need a winter coat unless you are planning a glacier cruise and wish to be in deck. The key to comfort in May is layers . A fall jacket or a sweater and fleece is usually fine. My mother wears mittens and a hat during her May visits when out for long periods . She is always cold:)
